Previous workshops and seminars

Workshop on Birgitte Thott and her Intellectual Contexts in 17th and 18th Century Denmark-Norway

University of Copenhagen, 27 November 2020

Organizers: Associate Professor Sabrina Ebbersmeyer & PhD Student Rosa Skytt Burr

More details about the workshop

Reading seminar: "Early modern women intellectuals: Philosophy and history"

University of Copenhagen, South Campus

Time and date:
10 September 2020, 9-11
6 October 2020, 14-16
3 November 2020, 10-12
15 December 2020, 14-16

All events take place in room 16-01-26.

In this monthly seminar, we read together texts relevant for the understanding of the challenges women philosophers from the past (and the present) had to face when entering the public sphere and participating in philosophical debates.

The number of participants is limited. Interested students are welcomed but have to register first. Please send a message to