Film studies and creative media industries

The Section of Film studies and creative media industries brings together scholars, teachers and students with an interest in film studies from the silent film era to the current film and media landscape. The focus is on film, TV and visual digital storytelling as art and cultural practice. The section also works with production, distribution, exhibition and promotion in the creative media industries in a time marked by cross-media formats and new platforms.

The Section of Film Studies and Creative Media Industries brings together scholars, teachers and students with an interest in film studies from the silent film era to the current film and media landscape. The focus is on film, TV and visual digital storytelling as art and cultural practice, based on theories about e.g. narration, aesthetics and cognition.

The section also works with production, distribution, exhibition and promotion in the creative media industries and at specific cultural institutions, from idea development, innovation strategies and strategic communication related to new productions and projects to their circulation, target groups and reception in a time marked by cross-media formats and new platforms. The section has a close collaboration with the Nordic film and media industries as well as a number of public and private partners.









































Reaching young audiences: Serial fiction and cross-media storyworlds for children and young audiences (RYA)
Funding: Independent Research Fund Denmark
Project period: 2019 - 2024
PI: Eva Novrup Redvall

Streaming for Talents: The Impact of Mass Media on Professional Images
Funding: The Graduate School Living.Diversity at Münster University.
Project period: 2023 - 2027
PI: Dr. Jochen Kinast

The New Nordic Cinema. A film studies project collaboration between the University of Copenhagen and Lund University
Funding: Einar Hansens Forskningsfond.
Project period: January 2022 - December 2023.
Project leaders: Associate Professor Eva Novrup Redvall, KU, and Professor Lars Gustaf Andersson, Lund University.

Research groups

Screening Europe - The State of Polycrisis in the European Audiovisual Industry
Research group director: Petar Mitric


A common film culture - Denmark and Germany in the silent movie era 1910-1930 
Project period: 2019-2021
PI: Casper Tybjerg





















Members of section

Name Title Phone E-mail
Bondebjerg, Ib Professor Emeritus +4560241164 E-mail
Breindahl, Charlie Part-time Lecturer +4535328100 E-mail
Grodal, Torben Kragh Associate Professor Emeritus +4535328100 E-mail
Hartvigson, Niels Henrik Part-time Lecturer +4535333172 E-mail
Langkjær, Birger Associate Professor +4535328124 E-mail
Mitric, Petar Assistant Professor - Tenure Track +4535322489 E-mail
Pedersen, Oscar Waage Elbæk PhD Fellow +4535330818 E-mail
Petersen, Kristoffer Rosbjerg Part-time Lecturer E-mail
Redvall, Eva Novrup Associate Professor - Promotion Programme +4535329437 E-mail
Riis, Johannes Associate Professor +4535329180 E-mail
Schepelern, Peter Associate Professor Emeritus +4526118106 E-mail
Tybjerg, Casper Associate Professor +4535328130 E-mail


Head of Section: Associate Professor Eva Novrup Redvall

Other activities

Thursday 30/1 9:00-12:30
Joint TEACH workshop for the film section in room 14-4-32

Monday 3/2
Welcome to visiting PhD researcher Atalya De Cock from Ghent University

Tuesday 4/2 9:15 in the Cinematheque
The spring UCPH film screenings on Tuesdays at 9:15 start with a screening of Agnes Varda’s Sans toit, ni loi with an introduction by Casper Tybjerg

Friday 7/2 16:00
Research tour to the opening of the new Lars von Trier exhibition Breaking Darkness at Nikolaj Kirke

Tuesday 11/2 10:00-12:00
Section meeting in room 14-4-65-A with a presentation by visiting PhD researcher Atalya de Cock

Wednesday 5/3 9:00-11:00 in room 14-4-32
Section meeting in room 14-4-32 with research presentations

Wednesday 26/3 9:00-11:00
Section meeting in room 14-4-32 with research presentations

Tuesday 29/4 10:00-12:00
Section meeting in room 14-4-32 with research presentations

Tuesday 3/6
Section meeting in room 14-4-32 with research presentations