Media studies

Section of Media Studies engages in the study of media in context. We examine the role of media in culture, politics and society, including the social and cultural changes brought about by the digitalization, globalization and commercialization of media.

We are particularly interested in topics such as media and power, media and popular culture, news and journalism, social media, communication across platforms, media industries and institutions, visual communication, political communication, and media policy and regulation.

Section of Media Studies brings together scholars from the humanities and the social sciences who share an interest in theories and concepts such as mediatization, digitalization and datafication, affect and emotion, gender and feminism, democracy and media freedom, populism, propaganda and authority. Empirically we apply quantitative, qualitative and computational methods, while our research comprises both current and historical perspectives. Section members especially teach at the BA-, MA- and elective programs in Film and Media Studies.






Key research areas at Section of Media Studies are:

  • Media, popular culture and everyday life, including the role of media in the negotiation of cultural value and the boundaries of high/popular culture. We are interested in the production of popular culture and the wider circulation of images, values, attitudes and cultural practices among media users and audiences, including cultural phenomena such as celebrities, fan communities, children and young people’s media practices, ageing and lifestyle.
  • News and journalism across platforms, including the interplay of news media and social media in cultural production and political opinion making. We are interested in changing conceptions of media professionals and citizens in the creation, circulation and consumption of media content and visual communication on a day-to-day basis and in times of crisis. In our research we engage in topics spanning across the hard/soft news divide and in media content within and beyond traditional genre conventions. 
  • Media, politics and democracy, including current changes to political communication, the public sphere and democracy, such as the challenges and opportunities pertaining to the empowerment and fragmentation of audiences, polarization and radicalization of opinion, and the rethinking of media content and journalism in view of misinformation, disinformation and propaganda. We are interested in the role of media in political movements and political mobilization and in the construction and legitimation of authority, expertise and knowledge. We collect comparative insights about magnitude of these challenges and opportunities.
  • Media industries, policy and regulation, including institutional and organizational perspectives. We study the media’s changing technological, institutional and financial conditions and how such changed value chains influence media production, distribution and use. This research aims to contribute to current media policy debates and media policy-making, which increasingly requires evidence-based research.





































EXPOSING: The Public Value of Socio-Mediated Scandals in the Digital Age
Funding: Independent Research Fund Denmark (DFF2)
Project period: 1 September 2024 to 28 February 2028
Contact: Nete Nørgaard Kristensen

INVENT: European Inventory of Societal Values of Culture as a Basis for Inclusive Cultural Policies
Funding: H2020
Project period: 1 February 2020 to 31 July 2023
Contact: Nete Nørgaard Kristensen

PastForward: The Political Uses of the Past in Digital Discourses about Nordic Futures
Funding: NordForsk/NOS-HS
Project period: 1 December 2023 to 30 November 2026
Contact: Manuel Menke

Monograph fellowships

Cultural Journalism in the Digital Age 
Funding: Carlsberg Monograph Fellowship 
Project period: 1 September 2023 to 31 december 2024
Contact: Nete Nørgaard Kristensen 

Picture or It Didn’t Happen: Constructing and Contesting Visual Evidence During Conflicts
Funding: Carlsberg Monograph Fellowship 
Project period: 1 September 2024 to 30 August 2025
Contact: Mette Mortensen


From Ivory Tower to Twitter: Rethinking the Cultural Critic in Contemporary Media Culture
Funding: Danish Research Council for Independent Research: Culture and Communication (FKK)
Ended: 31 August 2019
Contact: Nete Nørgaard Kristensen

Images of Conflict, Conflicting Images
Funding: Velux
Project period: 1 February 2017 til 31 July 2021
Contact: Mette Mortensen

























Name Title Phone E-mail
Andersen, Mads Møller Tommerup Assistant Professor - Tenure Track +4535323093 E-mail
Christensen, Christa Lykke Associate Professor +4535328116 E-mail
Farkas, Johan Assistant Professor - Tenure Track +4535324821 E-mail
Frijns, Eva PhD Fellow +4535321175 E-mail
Hendrickx, Jonathan Assistant Professor - Tenure Track +4535334537 E-mail
Hjarvard, Stig Professor +4535328113 E-mail
Hundrup, Johan Wowern PhD Fellow +4530507920 E-mail
Jerslev, Anne Professor +4535328111 E-mail
Kirkvåg, Nalle Peter Ben Part-time Lecturer E-mail
Kristensen, Nete Nørgaard Professor +4535329361 E-mail
Liisberg, Kasper Bering Teaching Assistant Professor +4535328127 E-mail
Marquart, Franziska Assistant Professor - Tenure Track +4535336017 E-mail
Menke, Manuel Associate Professor +4535333526 E-mail
Mortensen, Mette Professor +4535329181 E-mail
Olsen, Marta Karolina Part-time Lecturer +4535330121 E-mail
Paisley, Erinne Menard PhD Fellow +4535334264 E-mail
Storgaard, Anne Brostrøm Teaching Assistant Professor +4535327531 E-mail
Søndergaard, Henrik Associate Professor +4535328128 E-mail
Sükösd, Miklós Áron Associate Professor +4535331324 E-mail


Associate Professor Manuel Menke

Media section meetings

Media section monthly meetings in the fall (all meetings in room 14.3.38):

  • 17 September, 09:00 – 10:30
  • 22 October, 09:00 – 10:30
  • 19 November, 09:00 ~ 10:30
  • 17 December, 16:00 – 17:30 in room 14-3-38 and thereafter Christmas get-together at NENI in Pilestræde 65.
    The event is only for the section on Media studies

Excursion to DDC in Odense

The Section of Media Studies will be visiting the Digital Democracy Centre at the Syddansk University in Odense to start an exchange between the two locations and discuss possible collaborations.