
Our research concerns education as a discipline and the section is the location of theoretical-analytical educational programs in education. The Section’s research is characterised by theoretical studies and empirically rooted analyses of education in its practical, institutional, professional and scientific forms. 

Children playing

The strength of the research is its contribution to societal and scientific conversations about the role and status of education in a tension field of the humanities and the social sciences. The Section has close collaborations with external partners, especially the University Colleges and their teacher and social educator training programs.

The section’s research evolves theory about the implications and conditions of education by means of analysing current and historical educational programs and concepts, didactic relations, educational practice and interactions, and structural relations in education. The analyses and interpretations conceptualises education in relation to social, cultural, economic and political processes and are thus critical studies of education.






























































Name Title Phone E-mail
Aagesen, Jonathan Bjørn Bjerre PhD Fellow +4535325471 E-mail
Andersen, Peter Østergaard Associate Professor Emeritus +4535328873 E-mail
Christensen, Gerd Associate Professor +4535328888 E-mail
Cone, Lucas Assistant Professor - Tenure Track +4535329273 E-mail
Frederiksen, Jan Thorhauge Associate Professor +4535328879 E-mail
Hamre, Bjørn Frithiof Associate Professor +4535336712 E-mail
Jensen, Stine Grønbæk Assistant Professor - Tenure Track E-mail
Lawaetz, Laura Buch PhD Fellow +4535330125 E-mail
Moldenhawer, Bolette Associate Professor Emerita +4535328875 E-mail
Pischetola, Magda Assistant Professor - Tenure Track +4535321435 E-mail
Vildlyng, Lærke PhD Fellow +4535324630 E-mail
von der Fehr, Nynne Caroline N PhD Student +4535329862 E-mail
Øland, Trine Associate Professor +4535328889 E-mail