REWIND, RECYCLE, REMAKE: How sequels and remakes shaped Hollywood and beyond

In this guest lecture, PhD Candidate Atalya De Cock, whose research specialises in recycled film cultures of small European film industries, will go into the history and importance of recycling in Hollywood filmmaking and beyond, and contextualise the - often heated- discourses that take place around these types of films.


From the extensive Marvel Cinematic Universe to blockbuster hits such as Gladiator 2 and Dune Part 2; sequels, remakes and spin-offs have seemingly become ubiquitous in mainstream Hollywood cinema today. This tendency to recycle popular franchises is much discussed by critics and the public alike, fearing that Hollywood has lost its creativity and originality. But where does this fascination with recycling come from? And is it this contemporary postmodern phenomenon we often claim it to be?


To sign up, please get in touch with Eva Novrup Redvall.