Danish and Swedish Children’s Films
Seminaret fokuserer på dansk og svensk børnefilm før og nu med udgangspunkt i en engelsk gæsteforelæsning v. Malena Janson fra Stockholms Universitet (se abstract nedenfor) samt et oplæg på dansk af Anders Lysne om Lukas Moodyssons Fucking Åmål med en efterfølgende panelsamtale om status quo for børnefilmen i dag på dansk og svensk.
13.15 | Velkommen v. lektor Eva Novrup Redvall og introduktion til eftermiddagens program |
13.30 | Guest lecture ‘The Child in Cinema: Modes of Representation, Perspective, and Participation’ by Senior Lecturer Malena Janson from Stockholm University followed by Q&A |
14.30 | Pause |
14.45 | Oplæg af Assistant Professor Anders Lysne om ungdomsfilm med fokus på Fucking Åmål |
15.15 | Panelsamtale om status for børnefilmen i dag m. Malena Janson, Anders Lysne og tidligere programchef for BUSTER Filmfestivalen Mariella Harpelunde Jensen, modereret af Eva Novrup Redvall |
This lecture focuses on a variety of aspects relating to children and cinema as well as children’s cinema. It demonstrates the most common filmic functions of the child figure, such as the child as an emotional trigger, and also discusses the empowering implications of adopting a child’s perspective in cinema for children. Furthermore, the lecture touches upon the multi-faceted concept of children’s participation by differentiating between internal and external involvement. The lecture will be held in English.
Malena Janson has a PhD in cinema studies and is a senior lecturer at the Centre for the Study of Children’s Culture at Stockholm University. Her research comprises representations of children and childhood in film and television, child-animal relations in cinema, the ideology and aesthetics of children’s cinema, and film education. She is also a freelance writer publishing articles on film and child and youth culture in Swedish newspapers and journals.
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