Thore Keitum Fisker

Thore Keitum Fisker

PhD fellow

Member of:

    Voices, bodies and emotions - and their place in ideological identity and expression. Those are my scholarly interests.

    In September 2022 I started a PhD scolarship at the Section for Rhetoric as a temporary culmination of my interest in voice use and body language. Before that I worked as a voice coach and rhetorical advisor at Rhetor - rådgivende retorikere, DR and Zetland.

    In my research, I investigate how political actors' way of using their body and voice creates meaning and identification in their communities. Instead of investigating how different vocal characteristics (e.g., voice frequency and tempo) influence listener perception of speaker credibility, I investigate how the way political actors speak and move becomes part of the community's way of understanding the world.


    I teach and supervise assignments generally within oral rhetoric. This implies actio (nonverbal communication) and voice technique, but also the implications of bodily sensing and body and voice ideals for deliberation and activism.

    I teach undergraduate and graduate courses in rhetoric at the University of Copenhagen e.g., Public Speaking and Counseling and Rhetorical Practice and Voice Production. In these courses we have dealt with how a critic can approach the analysis of voices and bodies in oral communication situations in a critical and affect theory perspective.

    I have supervised bachelor's theses on sports commentators' vocal constitution of the audience, on the affective framing of TV debates and on affective directing of demonstrations. I have also supervised a master's thesis on listeners' attribution of credibility to different voice types.

    Primary fields of research

    • Actio (delivery)
    • Rhetorical new materialisms
    • Rhetorical affect studies and its implications on the body and voice
    • Constitutive rhetoric
    • Embodied doxa (norms)

    Current research

    During the spring of 2024, my colleagues Frida Hviid Broberg, Turið Nolsøe and I have presented research on various conferences in Warsaw, Denver and Chicago, where we have investigated rhetorical listening in unequal teaching situations and the Danish media's coverage of the abortion discourse in the Faroe Islands, respectively.

    Also, in June 2024 my own research article will be published in the journal Res Rhetorica with the following abstract.

    While thoroughly theorized in rhetorical studies, the body primarily is understood as or through text. Following a literature review of the body in rhetorical scholarship, this article argues that the situated, concrete body is integral to ideological identity through its function as doxastic warrant in enthymematical argumentation. The article finally outlines a rhetorical-ethnographic orientation for investigating the points of expression for a doxastic body of a specific field.

    Selected publications

    1. Published

      Konstitutiv actio: Stemmeføring og kropssprog i retoriske identifikations­processer

      Fisker, Thore Keitum, 2022, In: Rhetorica Scandinavica. 84, p. 60-75 16 p.

      Research output: Contribution to journalJournal articleResearchpeer-review

    ID: 318003911