Film, Media and Communications
The Film, Media and Communications collection
Topic line-up (the Danish word in brackets)
Lineup | Subject |
A | News papers (Aviser) |
B | Litterature (Litteratur) |
C | Computer (Computer) |
DK | Decimal division (Decimalklassedeling) no further devision |
F | Film (Film) |
Fot | Photografi (Fotografi) |
M | Mass Communication (Massekommunikation) |
Mu | Music (Musik) |
R | Radio (Radio) |
Re | Commercials (Reklame) |
T | Comics (Tegneserier) |
Tv | Television (TV) |
Number | Division |
(0) | Reference material by form (Generelle og Referenceværker) - use in the library only |
0 | Generalities, miscellaneous collected works (Oversigtsværker) |
1 | Corporate bodies (Institutioner) |
2 | Film/TV industry: Economics, Production (Produktion og Økonomi) |
3 | Distribution, Exhibition, Transmission (Distribution) |
4 | Society and Cinema/TV (Samfundet) |
5 | Education, Research (Uddannelse) |
6 | Aesthetics, Theory, Criticism (Æstetik og Teori) |
7 | History, Genres, Sepcific films/programs (Historie og Genre) |
8 | Biography (Biografi) |
9 | Miscellanies, Varia, Special collections (Diverse) |
Semester shelf
On the Semester Shelves you can find books with relevance to the different courses in the current semester. The Semester Shelves are located on the 2nd floor.
The books are only for use in the library.