Collections in the former INF Library

The library has a series of small and specialized collections. This is a list of them and the reference in the catalogue if any. All materials are available for use on KOMM during opening hours.

Special collections:

  • Bibliografi-samling
    Collection of printet bibliographies. Not on loan. Contact the staff.
  • Tidsskrift
     Some of the very old journals are kept in closed stacks. Ask for help in the library. Not on loan. Contact the staff.
  • Historisk Børnebogssamling A collection of elderly children's literature. The collection was a donation from ex-school librarian Emil Johansson to IVA in 1995 and 1996. The 5.200 books contain children's litterature of an elderly date in Danish including translations from English, German and French. Many of the titles can be found in several editions and versions. Some books are in other languages like Norwegian, Swedish, English and German. Kept in closed stacks. Not on loan. Ask the staff for access.
  • Plakatsamlingen Posters from from Danish libraries. The collection of 750 posters for promoting libraries are mostly Danish and collected 1980-2000. Closed stacks. Not on loan. Contact the staff.
  • Referencesamling The collection of reference books can be found on the 1st floor in building 14. Not on loan.
  • Research from COMM  Publications produced by researchers at Departmen of Communication can be found in the database Curis.
  • Semesterhylde If you find books placed in a collection named Semesterhylde it means that you can find this book on the shelf with course litterature in the library 2nd floor. The books are alfabetised according to their titles. The collection is temporary. Not on loan. Contact the staff.
  • Student projects (1971- 2013) The library has a collection of student projects written from 1971 and to 2007. Approximately 200 of them are available in electronic form. Projects marked "Klausuleret ifølge forfatterens beslutning" can only be seen if you have the written permission from the author. Not on loan. Contact the staff.
  • Udlånssamling (books for loan) Open shelves. Most of these books can be found on the open shelves in the University Library, Karen Blixens Plads 7. The rest og them you have to reserve online.

These collections are not included in the catalogue.

  • Collection on book history
  • Newspaper clippings - ask the librarians Danish newspaper clippings about libraries from 1983-2007. The collection also include newspaper clippings from Bibliotekstilsynets and the predecessor Statens Bogsamlingskomité in 1910. Ask in the library to get access to Bibliotekshistorisk Arkiv. Not on loan. Contact the staff.
  • Picture collection - ask the librarians
    Ca. 3500 pictures mainly from Denmark 1900-1995. Divided in "Groups / institutioner", "Persons", "Geografical" and "Topics".