Ethnographic studies in innovative learning contexts

The research group is conducting ethnographical studies and research based evaluation of innovative educational projects in scholastic, profession- oriented and academic learning contexts. The projects have strong networks and the project development is made in close connection between the involved institutions and both national and international research network. 

Currently case studies and research based evaluations of educational projects are being brought out related to inter professionalism (Project InterTværs), online learning (project NETuddannelsen) and game-based profession learning (Innovation project in veterinarian study). The overall aim for the research group is to explore the relation between organizational and pedagogy development in scholastic and clinical learning contexts, and to strengthen the empirical analysis of professional orientated learning strategies, skills development and profession identity.

With shifting dominance the focus is on innovations in health, society and humanistic dimensions with case studies in educations in high school, universities and profession educations.  In this sense the case studies work is concrete organizational- and school-wise focussing on full scale cases, the whole process of implementation and the educational projects digital strategies, online learning and e-pedagogy.

The research group is supporting the development of internal and external financed projects related to the mutual themes and the particular PhD and post doc projects. We receive research residence applications and we are continuingly expanding the PhD project network, recently with links to research groups at KU, SUND with plans for PhD projects within the profession oriented learning in clinical psychiatric praxis.

Overview of the research group's case studies and research profile.


Department of communication

Name Title Phone E-mail
Gerd Christensen Associate Professor +4535328888 E-mail
Karen Borgnakke Professor, Emerita +4535329434 E-mail

Participating researchers


04. january 2022: New article: Karen Borgnakke published Cross-Case Analysis of Changes in Teacher Role and Didactic Function in Denmark, 1980–2020 in Oxford Research Encyclopedias, Education. 

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19. march 2020: Karen Borgnakke has published a chapter in Oxford Research Encyclopedia in Education.

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24. september 2019: Welcome to Magda Pischetola, visiting scholar at the section for education, September 2019 - February 2020.

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05. august 2019: Michael Marcussen defended his ph.d.-thesis in June 2019 "The Impact of Interprofessional Clinical Training in Mental Health Services"

Read the ph.d.-thesis

02. august 2019: Karen Borgnakke has published a chapter in Oxford Research Encyclopedia of Education

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23 October 2018: New book: Meta-Ethnographic Synthesis in Education: Challenges, Aims and Possibilities. Kakos, Fritzsche (eds)

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PhD defence: Camilla Kirketerp Nielsen

September 27 2018, Graduate School of Health and Medical Science, Thorvaldsensvej 40, Building 2-70, ground floor, room A2 70.01, Frederiksberg

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