Mig og Salman Rushdie, mig og Jørgen Leth, mig og Don Ø og så mig og kunstneren Joachim Hamou der oprindeligt er svensk-fransk

Research output: Contribution to journalJournal articleCommunication


Some reporters have sufficient star quality to use the first person singular in their writings. They each have to strike a balance between a professional and a personal style when they establish and maintain their relation to sources and readers alike. The article investigates how this social balancing act looks like at the textual level, and it discusses how name-dropping is able to either boost or undercut a reporter's personal authority. Articles by reporters Martin Krasnik, Poul Pilgaard Johnsen, Morten Sabroe and Camilla Stockmann serve as examples for illustration.
Translated title of the contributionMe and Salman Rushdie, me and Jørgen Leth, me and Don Ø, plus me and the artist Joachim Hamou who is originally Swedish-French
Original languageDanish
JournalUPDATE Vidensbase for Journalistik
Publication statusPublished - 2007
Externally publishedYes

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ID: 14146995