Stavris Solo

Stavris Solo

IT officer

Member of:


    My main responsibilities at Comm as Digi Labs manager are to lead and facilitate the lab technology portfolio and keeping labs facilities up to date with the newest digital technology trends according to students and researchers’ needs.

    Furthermore, I participate into different courses as IT consultant, contributing complementary knowlege and experience.

    Moreover, I am responsible for organizing workshop and tutorials where we investigate and use different tools, platforms and programming languages that can be useful to students and researchers.

    Workshop and tutorials: 

    • HTML 5, CSS3, PHP, Microbit Electronics, Touch Board - Bare Conductive, 3D Printers, Stopmotion, 360 VR etc.
    • Introduction to different research tools such as Eye Tracking, E-Prime, Virtual Reality equipment.
    • Introduction and interaction with Pepper the humanoid robots using choreographe platform. 
    • Self-service platforms for indexing, searching and visualizing data such as Solr, Indri, Elasticsearch and Tableau.

    Lastly, as manager of Digi Labs I like to follow and investigate the development of new IT technologies. Particularly, exploring the the cross section between IT and digital information areas in order to support research projects with the necessary knowledge and equip the Digi Labs with latest technologies.

    At Digi labs our primary goal is to make the lab function as "playground" where students, researchers and staff can interact, explore can gain access to specialized IT equipment.

    Fields of Interest

    The evolvement of Web 2.0 and New Media are forcing data scientists towards data-driven improvements by collecting, processing, analyzing and visualizing data in order to get new and better insights across their organization.
    Following the above trend and my interests in data analytics and visualization, I like to investigate new technologies and different self-service platforms that would allow organizations to accomplish different activities such as:
    Information Retrieval, by obtaining information resources relevant to a piece of information need, using enterprise search engines (Apache Solr, ElasticSearch).
    Organizing, monitoring and making data more accessible using ElasticSearch and Kibana.
    Business Intelligence, Data Analytics, Visualizations and Interactive Dashboard using Tableau.

    ID: 188897287