Researching Creativity in Media Industries

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In this book, Mads Møller T. Andersen examines the methodological challenges that arise when studying creativity and creative processes in media industries, arguing that the field of media studies still has much to learn about how these industries facilitate their own creative processes. Andersen introduces and utilizes a theoretical framework of five traditions in creativity to guide readers through five different methods of approaching and understanding the concept of creativity, exploring whether media scholars should abandon current, romantic understandings of creativity in favor of more progressive and nuanced definitions. Ultimately, Andersen considers and offers examples of how, as a discipline, we can design studies of creative processes that also address what we still don’t know about creativity in these contexts. Scholars interested in media studies, cultural studies, and research methods will find this book particularly useful.
ForlagLexington Books
Antal sider116
ISBN (Trykt)9781666901696
ISBN (Elektronisk)9781666901702
StatusUdgivet - 2022

ID: 318558777