Verden i Norden - Norden i Verden: Hvad var ideerne bag det nordiske kultursamarbejde? Hvilke udfordringer står Norden overfor idag?

Research output: Book/ReportReportpeer-review

Nordic cultural cooperation has since the cultural agreement between the Nordic countries in 1971, been developed in several directions. The article is prepared at the request of the Nordic Council of Ministers, as a starting point to describe, analyze and evaluate the Nordic cultural cooperations historical development and addres the present challenges in a globalized perspective. How can the cultural policy in the Nordic countries' cultural policy and the Nordic cultural co-operation cope with the new cultural challenges at the dawn of the 21st century? How can cultural policy and the Nordic region leave progressiv cultural marks in Europe and the rest of the world based on the Nordic welfare model generated after World War II ? Which themes are adequat for the humanities and social sciences to put on the agenda, if Nordic cultural policy research should be in line with the new national,European and global challenges?
Original languageDanish
Place of PublicationKøbenhavn
PublisherNordisk Ministerraad
Number of pages9
ISBN (Print)978-92-893-2401-4
Commissioning bodyNordisk Ministerråd
Publication statusPublished - 17 Jan 2012
EventBog & Bibliotek: Den utmanande diskussionen - Bok & Bibliotek, Gøteborg, Sweden
Duration: 27 Sep 201230 Sep 2012


ConferenceBog & Bibliotek
LocationBok & Bibliotek

    Research areas

  • Faculty of Humanities - Cultural policies and identities in the Nordic Region, Nordic cultural challenges in a globalised world, Culturall policy, globalisation and identityformation

ID: 43846623