The Impact of the New Nationalism and Identity Politics on Cultural Policymaking in Europe and Beyond

Research output: Book/ReportReportpeer-review

Factors such as globalization, European integration and migration have led to a resurgence of nationalism. This trend is increasingly reflected in national and regional public cultural policy in Europe.

How are shall we nationally and on a pan-European level this trend and cultural policy challenge? What steps should implemented by the Council of Europe and other pan- European cultural policy bodies? Which are the cultural challenges in implementing "golden" concepts such as multiple identity development, cultural diversity, intercultural dialogue and cultural heritage protection? How to realize and cultural policy reflects the vision of a people's Europe with the individual citizens as the pivotal centers in pluratistic democracies dominated by equality, freedom and solidarity?

The article gives on background of Peter Duelund European Research 2008-2011 examples of the tendencies of neonationalism in european cultural policy and reflect in a theoretical perspective some of the national and pan-european cultural policy challenges Europe will need to face in the 21st century.

What steps, if any, should be taken by the Council of Europe, EU and other cultural players who want to translate the concepts of "multiple identities", cultural diversity, intercultural dialogue and dynamic interpretation of the cultural heritage to cultural realities and practices?
Translated title of the contributionNeonationalismens og identitetspolitikkens indflydelse og potentialer i europæisk kulturpolitik
Original languageEnglish
Number of pages9
Commissioning bodyCouncil of Europe
Publication statusPublished - Jul 2011

    Research areas

  • Faculty of Humanities - Globalsation and cultural development, New Nationalism in Europe, Identity Politics , European cultural policy, Theory of identity and nationalism, The cultural challenges of EU

ID: 34277082