12 April 2013

Stephen Prince lectures on Wednesday, April 17th

Stephen Prince, Virginia Tech and adjunct professor at our department, will be giving two lectures on Wednesday next week. Prince is the author and editor of some fifteen books, the most recent of which is Digital Visual Effects in Cinema: The Seduction of Reality (Rutgers UP, 2012).

Wednesday, April 17 10.15-12

10.15-12, a.m., in room 15A-0-13
Realism and Cinema in the Digital Era

My talk explores the options that digital tools provide filmmakers who seek to work in a realist manner.  I explore some of the theoretical and stylistic attributes of realism in cinema and show how digital filmmaking enables filmmakers to work in a realist style in ways they could not accomplish using traditional methods. 

2.15-4 p.m. p.m. in room 27.0.17
Cinema in a Post-Cinema World

My talk examines the contemporary media landscape and where and how cinema is located there.  It considers how cinema has changed in the modern media landscape and the characteristics that now define it.