Laura Jahn

Laura Jahn

Enrolled PhD student

Laura is a PhD Fellow at the Center for Information and Bubble Studies at the University of Copenhagen. 

Her PhD project investigates Attention Economics and Informational Social Influence under the supervision of Vincent F. Hendricks and Rasmus K. Rendsvig. They explore the interplay between both attention allocation and informational social influence motivated by social media usage, the public political sphere, and democratic repercussions. 

Laura works with formal models such as agent-based models and simulations, game-theoretic models, and econometric and machine learning applications.  

A recent video explains some of it.

Laura has an interdisciplinary background in economics and analytical philosophy. She obtained an M.A. in Philosophy & Economics from the University of Bayreuth, Germany, and a B.Sc. in Business Administration from the University of Mannheim, Germany. During her studies, she spent semesters abroad in Bath, UK, and Taipei, Taiwan.

Connect with Laura on LinkedIn!


Laura teaches mostly in Philosophy of Science and Philosophy of Economics. Most recent teaching responsibilities:

Science and Society (MA, seminar teacher, focus on Philosophy of Climate Science)

Philosophy of Science (BA, seminar teacher/lecturer)

(Mis-)Information and Democracy (BA, lecturer)


Current research

At the Center for Information and Bubble Studies, we are currently collecting public data from Twitter, more specifically from #dkpol with the aim to validate bot detection methods. If you are a Twitter user and/or have any questions, please contact us at or

ID: 229421281